Anna Kroll
annasofiakroll (at) gmail (dot) com
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CV available upon request.
Anna Kroll is a dancer, choreographer and interdisciplinary artist.
Anna Kroll’s performance work has been shown at No Theme Festival (Poughkeepsie, NY) in Philadelphia Theaters, Rivers and Subway Underpasses at FringeArts’ Scratch Night, Open Call Guerilla Outdoor Performance Festival, Invisible River’s Schuylkill River Arts Day, Cathy Weis' Sundays on Broadway (NYC), and Danspace's Draftwork series (NYC).
Her pieces aqueousness (an Instagram feed), and #AllYourMarketing (a live video feed) were in the Digital Fringe portion of the Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Alluvium and Inlet – meditations on placemaking and bodies of water – were commissioned by the Painted Bride Art Center for their expanded archive of Philadelphia, “Re-place-ing Philadelphia”. Her looping video piece your toes, your skin, your heart, your bones was included in the online film festival “Trans(m)it”.
She was the Digital Arts Technical Instructor at Bennington College (2017-2020) and has taught at the University of the Arts Pre-College program since 2014. She is currently an MFA student at UMBC in Intermedia & Digital Art. She received her BA from Bennington College and is an alum of the Headlong Performance Institute.
Also she makes websites. Such as this one and this one and this one. She's love to make yours. More on that soon.